Seasoned Apologist

crucifixion in the Quran

Shabir Ally, Adnan Rashid and the Crucifixion in the Qur’an.

The crucifixion of Jesus in Islam is a controversial issue as there is no single and unanimous interpretation of the verse of the Qur’an that narrates this event. While Adnan Rashid holds to the fact that Jesus was never killed nor crucified, Shabir Ally on the other hand believes that Jesus was actually crucified, but […]

Shabir Ally, Adnan Rashid and the Crucifixion in the Qur’an. Read More »


How the Qur’an Disqualify Muhammad as the Comforter Jesus Promised.

The topic of the Comforter that Jesus promised is not new within the Christian Muslim communities, in fact, for those involved in dialogue and apologetics within the two faith, namely Christianity and Islam, the topic of the Comforter is an aged one. However, my observation over the period of time is, whenever this topic is

How the Qur’an Disqualify Muhammad as the Comforter Jesus Promised. Read More »